We received word that today is the day the food for Jamaica will leave the port and is ready for immediate delivery. World Deliverance International(WDI), a Jamaican NGO humanitarian organization, has cleared the three 40 ft containers of canned chicken from customs to be distributed to the needy, hungry, children and families in Jamaica. Each of these 40 ft containers has on it 53,760 12.5oz cans of precooked chicken. This brings the grand total, for the three containers, to 161,280 cans.
Love-a-child, a humanitarian organization based in Haiti, helped WDI put this project together. WDI is donating one container of chicken to Food For The Poor, an organization that has been helping the people in Jamaica for many years. The other two containers will be distributed through WDI’s organization. This food will be distributed through some of the schools and churches throughout the island. The New Testament Church of God will be one of the organizations that will be coordinating with WDI in this project.
The United Nations has determined that 1 in 6 persons in Jamaica, lives in poverty. WDI is in harmony with the United Nations’ Global Agenda to eradicate world-wide hunger, illiteracy, health problems and disease. Jim Whittington, President of WDI, says this is just the beginning of many projects planned for the future.
On Friday, November 18th, 2011, Jim Whittington attended meetings with several representatives at the United Nations (UN) in New York City. He had been invited by representatives of the UN. In these meetings, Jim Whittington and the representatives discussed how relations between World Deliverance International (WDI) and the UN could be enhanced in helping with their Global Agenda. World Deliverance International is a Jamaican NGO corporation and its agenda is in harmony with the United Nations’ Global Agenda to eradicate world-wide hunger, illiteracy, health problems and disease. This humanitarian organization has representatives, not only from Jamaica, but from other countries of the world. The senior vice president, Petra Schmidt is from Germany, Bishop John Hardy, and retired police officer, Derron Pusey are from the Island of Jamaica and other officers of the corporation are from the United States. This organization is not only reaching out to Jamaica, but to other countries and islands as well. Currently, WDI has three, forty foot containers of food waiting to be released from customs in Kingston, Jamaica. This food has been donated to help alleviate the food shortage and help feed the children and hungry people in Jamaica. Each container has over 53,000 12 oz cans of chicken that will be a tremendous help. The United Nations has determined that 1 in 6 persons in Jamaica, lives in poverty. Jim Whittington stated in one of the meetings at the UN, that this is only one of the world-changing projects that WDI is undertaking. There are even greater plans for the future.
The Jim Whittington crusade in Brooklyn, NY has just been completed, so many were blessed, saved, healed and delivered. Some of the people in Brooklyn said this was one of the greatest crusades to come to the area in many years. When Rev. Jim Whittington flew into LaGuardia airport for this crusade, he was returning from Kingston, Jamaica, where he had been working to get three, forty foot containers of food out of customs, that had been donated to Jamaica.
Each container has over 53,000 12 oz cans of chicken that will be a tremendous help. The United Nations has determined that 1 in 6 persons in Jamaica, lives in poverty. The United Nations Global Agenda is to eradicate world-wide hunger, illiteracy, and health problems and World Deliverance is doing its part to help with this campaign. Rev. Jim Whittington’s next United States crusade will be in December in Detroit, MI.